Energy self-consumption in industry, our social responsibility

Energy self-consumption has become an increasingly popular trend in the industry. This is because it allows companies to produce their own energy and reduce their dependence on the conventional electrical grid. Furthermore, by implementing energy self-consumption, companies can reduce energy costs in the long term, as well as improve their sustainability and meet their corporate social responsibility objectives.

Para implementar el autoconsumo energético en la industria, las empresas pueden instalar paneles solares o turbinas eólicas en sus instalaciones. Estas fuentes de energía renovable pueden proporcionar una fuente confiable y sostenible de energía para la empresa. Además, las empresas pueden utilizar sistemas de almacenamiento de energía para almacenar la energía producida durante períodos de baja demanda y utilizarla cuando sea necesario.

Rentabilidad a largo plazo

Additionally, energy self-consumption can be a profitable solution for companies that operate in remote areas or have high energy costs. By producing their own energy, these companies can significantly reduce their energy costs and improve their long-term profitability. Ultimately, energy self-consumption is a smart investment for companies seeking to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint.

In conclusion, energy self-consumption is a popular trend in the industry that provides many benefits to companies. From reducing long-term energy costs to improving sustainability and corporate social responsibility, ethical self-consumption is a cost-effective and efficient solution for industrial energy production.

For our part, we have been clear for years that it is our obligation to be as sustainable as possible.
In 2008, Benseny installed a photovoltaic plant that generates much of the energy it consumes. In our facility we generate 98 kw/h which allows us to minimize our carbon footprint.