For Benseny Quality is a priority. Excellence in manufactured products is only part of them. Responsibility, competitiveness, confidentiality and solvency are also part of it. In fact, its own customers and suppliers endorse it.
The Benseny Quality Guidelines are based on improvements to ISO 9001: 2000 and 14001 standards.
Not only is it to satisfy all the requirements of the customers, but to anticipate their future needs. Follow a planning and prevention method to obtain the perfect result in the control later. Provide training and resources so that every person in the organization can meet these demanding standards. Permanently maintain the conditions of safety and prevention of risks in each workplace..
The quality of the products designed and manufactured, the structures and machining carried out and the engineering service offered, constitute a series of factors that provide Benseny with strategic advantages over its competitors.
This high level of Quality makes Benseny a powerful ally for both the national and international markets.