The guarantee for a good result

Quality management is the action that guarantees that a product, service or organization functions solidly and successfully.

There is a lot of literature on Quality management, either in the form of a standard or in the form of a blog. These articles approach the topic as something complex and elaborate that will increase the company’s profits. In addition, there are various methods for this, but the best known are:

  • QFD.
  • Six Sigma.
  • The quality circle.
  • Taguchi’s methods.
  • The Kaizen method
  • The Toyota production system.
  • UNE EN ISO 9001:2015.

Obviously, among all of them, the one that stands out the most is the famous standard UNE EN ISO 9001:2015.

Mainly this article is not intended to confuse, quite the opposite. We intend to explain what quality management is in a clear and concise way. We are not going to make mention of the historical references of Frederick Winslow Taylor, or those of Karl Benz, or Henry Ford.

Returning to the beginning of this writing, saying that a product, a service or an organization works successfully is synonymous with having satisfied customers. This is precisely where the premise of quality management lies.

The reason for quality management

So, we see that to talk about this topic there is an element inherent to it called Client.
The client is the figure who requests the product or service and is the one who proposes specifications or preferences. When you take stock of ‘what you want’ and ‘what it costs’ you can talk about quality. Then, quality is understood as an agreement between two parties and quality management are all the actions that lead to compliance with said agreement. In this way, quality will be the degree of fulfillment of a planned and agreed function.

Really going into more detail, there are four fundamental aspects which are planning, guarantee, control and improvement.

Planning, guarantee, control and improvement.

Likewise, quality planning consists of preventing possible deviations from the agreed quality. So for correct quality planning it is essential to have three points well identified:
Customer requirements, product development and the processes involved in its production.

Firstly, when we have the planning defined for good quality management, the guarantee or quality assurance are all those guidelines or actions that give us the guarantee of complying with the planned quality. On the other hand, quality control is the feedback of these guidelines or actions that indicate whether the requirements and specifications are being met.

Finally, quality improvement are all those actions that escaped the planning phase and that entail an improvement in the product, both at the process level and at the level of finishes.

enseny S.A. understands that for correct quality management, planning, assurance, control and improvement must be in continuous evolution.
Consequently, Evolution and evaluation, not only to cover and resolve customer needs, but also to advance to future needs and collaborate to improve projects to obtain mutual benefit. Benseny quality guarantee.

Benseny S.A. understands that for correct quality management, planning, assurance, control and improvement must be in continuous evolution.
Consequently, Evolution and evaluation, not only to cover and resolve customer needs, but also to advance to future needs and collaborate to improve projects to obtain mutual benefit. Benseny quality guarantee.