Sheet metal punching is one of the most used processes in the manufacture of metal parts.

The industrial punching technique is carried out with punching machines, these machines have the capacity to drill, cut and shape metal sheets.

In addition, punching machines can work with different sizes, thicknesses and hardness.

There are different types of punching machines:

Manual (although they only use a set of punches).

Hydraulic or CNC, the most sophisticated.

CNC punching machines use multiple sets of punches. In addition, CNC punching machines have automatic loading, which allows more complex and precise designs to be made in different types of metals, being equally effective in all of them.

More information about punching machines.


The punching process is carried out by applying force to the punch, so that it is transmitted to the metal plate, cutting and shaping the material, being able to manufacture highly complex pieces. The punching machines can use different punches at the same time in the same job according to the needs of each one.

We may find that on the same piece to be punched we must use cutting, marking, smaller, larger or different curved punches when punching the same job.


The tools or punches for punching sheet metal, although they are very resistant due to their high hardness, are not eternal. Due to intense use, they have indeterminate wear that will vary depending on the thickness and type of material. With all this, it must be taken into account that if the punching machine must apply more force, the punch will have more wear.

Punching jobs also require prior preparation that must be carried out by qualified personnel. To ensure the optimal result of the work to be done, these preliminary works involve human hands and the order of punching within the same piece and the punches to be used must be stated. You always have to have specialized personnel to obtain a good final result.

En nuestras instalaciones tenemos diferentes modelos de punzonadoras CNC de la marca TRUMF para realizar diferentes tipos de trabajos ya sean prototipos o series de producción.

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